I have decided to take my powerbook G3 (lombard or "bronze keyboard") into the 
world of linux because I cannot get OS X to upgrade to the point where 
voiceover would be of use to me (I happen to be blind and need speech).

the strange problem is, I cannot seem to get to an accessible installer from 
the directions given on the ubuntu accessibility page. so. I let it run into 
full live cd mode, then when the sound chimes indicating the desktop has 
loaded, I hit alt/option+F2, then type sudo orca and hit enter.

at this point, I am greeted with no speech and no way to determine if orca has 
started. I had to look up the screen its supposed to present, and answer the 
questions. after pressing 1 then enter, I answer y <enter> and y <enter> then 
orca starts to speak, telling me that the speech-dispatcher is working but that 
something else is wrong and that I need to check the logs located in ....

unfortunately, I have no sighted assistance available, and I really would like 
to have a working accessible powerbook. since I cannot read the screen, or the 
logs, I am at a loss as to how to continue.

can anyone help?


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