I assume so. I did an upgrade from Natty, using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade this past Thursday. I'm thinking that all the updates were downloaded, but I'll have to look at the bug report and status, and double-check. Thanks much for the reply.


On 08/22/2011 07:11 AM, Piñeiro wrote:
Some weeks ago a11y was not working on Oneiric due this bug:


Do you know if the Oneiric that you installed already has this bug solved?

On 08/19/2011 05:45 PM, Guy Schlosser wrote:
Hi all, I have a question concerning Oneiric and Orca. What is the best

way to get it started?  I installed Oneiric last night as an upgrade
from Natty, luckily on a box I use for testing, and on reboot, I saw
that orca wasn't installed.  I installed it, and still can't get it
talking.  I've tried the alt+f2, then type in orca approach, but no go.
Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance for the help.


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