Hello again.

I was unsure as to whether or not I should create a new thread or follow-up on this one, so I decided to play it safe and follow-up.

I installed gnome-shell in my virtual machine (Ubuntu 11.10).

At the login screen, I was presented with session options for GNOME, Classic GNOME, Classic GNOME (No Effects), Ubuntu, and Ubuntu2D.

it seems that I cannot use screen magnification in GNOME or Classic GNOME. It did not even seem as though Compiz was running (I am not sure how to confirm this). However, when I run "compiz --replace" in the Run Applications dialog, the Unity dock appears and zooming seems to work (with the exception of the Unity dock).

I'm a bit distraught as I have no idea what to do.

Thanks for any suggestions and input.

On 10/05/2011 12:36 PM, Robert Cole wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Sadly, I must report that this magnification issue persists in Ubuntu 11.10 as well. I tested this under a virtual installation of Ubuntu 11.10 with 3D Acceleration enabled.

I am going to try to install gnome-shell on the VM and see if it works any better for me.

I know that the needs of all users cannot always be met at first, and I am appreciative of all of the hard work which is being put into Unity, but I'm feeling left out right now. :( Sorry. I don't mean to whine or to complain.

Hopefully this will change in Ubuntu 12.04, or better yet in an update to Ubuntu 11.10.

I just wanted to write back and to confirm that this still persists in case there is anyone else out there who was curious.

Take care.

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