Dear users and developers,
Thank's to works of developers and advanced users throught out The world, The unity interface is much more accessible, than i have thinked before i have tried todays Ubuntu 11.10 daily build. By pressing ALT+F1, user can hear The names of buttons representing installed applications, running applications with administration privileges is also supported ammazingly and Orca can be used with those applications. Unfortunately, i AM not able to locate The Update manager and run application dialog window. So please, will be Ubuntu updater included or this tool will not be awailable and users will have to perform Ubuntu updates by using apt-get dist upgrade? There is Ubuntu One, Ubuntu software center, but i can not locate Synaptics package manager.
But Unity is working and attention.
Orca is able to cooperate with included version of Mozilla Firefox, but now, user must use The Orca configuration for Firefox and user must check The button grab focus on objects when navigating. This button is awailable in The Firefox specific Orca settings in The firefox TAB. So for now, my biggest issue is, that i can not activate The run application dialog box and i can not locate The terminal atleast inside The list of installed applications. The name of module is very probably Application launcher, which is displaing The applications list after pressing ALT+F1.
My last question for all Orca users is.
Do You think, that it is sad, that Orca is not supporting The live regions announcement mechanishm presented in The older Orca releases? in Orca 2.32.0? So users could hear The messages of ARIA live regions not only when Orca automatically have detected those messages, but user could hear one of The checked ARIA live regions messages by pressing ORCA+F2, F3. So Orca +F2 have announced The message presented by The second ARIA live region, ORCA+F3 have announced The previously spoken message from The thirt ARIa live region, ETC. Now, ORCA is able to automatically speak The ARIA live region, but user can not repeat The previously spoken messages, which have been assigned to one of The ARIA live regions. According to my opinion, it is sad, because ARIA live regions are very often used even in The modern chat related WEB sites, some WEB pages are using ARIA live regions for displaiing The ADS, state television WEB pages can use those regions for displaiing tips for one of The important news, ETC. But Orca is very stable, Pulseaudio is not causing issues, at-spi is working excellently. So i think, that everybody of us can lookingforward to official, stable Ubuntu release. I think, that there is time to release RC version of Ubuntu 11.10. I think, that this will be done in The end of next week.
BUt it is only my personal analysis, it will depend on Canonical LTD.

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