On 10/06/2011 11:50 PM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 04:25:16AM EST, Piñeiro wrote:
>> Hi Guy,
>> thanks for testing the extra-a11y ppa. Yes, I plan to update the ppa
>> based on Unity 4.22. Tomorrow is a holiday here in Spain, so I will try
>> to find a moment to do that.
>> In fact my plan is keeping updating the ppa often, until those branches
>> get merged on the master branch.
>> Again, thanks for testing it.
> Alejandro, I am happy to help maintain the packages if that is of any help to 
> you.

Hi Luke,

thanks for the offer, but for the moment maintaining the package is
being easy. I was not able to update that package before because I used
that long Spanish weekend to some personal matters.

Again, thanks for the offer.

Best regards
Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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