
I'm not sure whether this is an Orca bug, a Gnome 3 bug, or something peculior to Oneiric. File chooser dialogues, such as 'save as' crash the application that creates them. I discovered this when trying to save a text file from gedit. First, I tried just entering a name into the text field and hitting 'enter'; gedit crashed. Next, I tried navigating to a particular directory, then saving; same result. In both cases, gedit crashed, and my file did not get written. I can specify a path on the gedit command line, such as in the dash, and, as long as I hit 'ctrl+s' to save, before exiting, my file is saved correctly. I am still running an out-of=-the-box Oneiric. Might adding the proposed and/or extra a11y sources fix this?



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