Hy Dave,

Feel free you put with you worked final steps with a Wiki page, I am not have accessing yet any Wiki page. Of course if you suggest me a Wiki page with have public editing possibility, I welcome doing this. To any user possible doing a good working fallback session style desktop, need doing other steps, because for example the factory awailable GNOME main menue not possible accessing keyboard the third "System" menue awailable functions. Because not have better method yet, I deleted entire top panel, created a new panel, and added following applets before I not found jconti/gnome3 PPA and the GNOME3 ported indicator-applet packages:
- clock
- Notification area
- Main menu applet
If any user would like installing indicator-applet-complete GNOME3 ported package and want add the all indicator applet in the panel, to get good visual lookup not need adding I think the clock and notification area applet, but I am not full sure this, so this is need confirming a sighted or partialy sighted user.

This changes resulted me an one column dropdowned main menue with are possible accessing all now missing importanter menu items (actual username related submenue with possible changing the status and launch system settings preference tool, shutdown, switch user, logout menu items). Have a disadwantage this method, if you press ALT+F1 keystroke, Orca does'nt spokening the first awailable menu item, because the first menu item is not focused automaticaly I think the GNOME Main Menu applet. If future hopefuly resolving developers following bug, this step doesn't need:
Launchpad bugreport link is following:

Because I added the "all indicators" applet my top panel, if I press Super+S keystroke, I see all installed indicators, similar with Natty. I very wait when Precise officialy awailable the GNOME3 ported indicator applets, but before this is happening, developers need resolving following bug:

If I remember right, when an user installed the gnome-session-fallback package and first doing the session change, the ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 keybindings are disabled, so this keystrokes need assigning with proper functions in the GNOME Control Center Keyboard preference pane. Need going the keybindings page, choosing the "system" section and associate the proper commands with the ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 keybindings. I using now my testing Precise system this way with GNOME3 fallback session without any problems.

The best desktop session switch method I think Luke suggested command, but I don't no why not working right the suggested command with I pasted my letter in Orca-list. Possible not a full elegant way session change method with editing the /var/lib/AccountsService/actual username related file and changing direct the session if have a better alternative, better put I think Luke working command a Wiki page, because this command doing session change on the fly if I understanding right Luke pasted letter part.
The pasted letter part is following:
"Ok, here is a command that should change your session to unity-2d, without you having to log out and stop lightdm. This should worok 100%.

You need to know what your user ID is, not your user name your user ID number. To find this out, open a terminal and run:

echo $UID

Make a note of the number you hear, you will need it in the next command. To make the change, run this command:

dbus-send --type=method_call --system --reply-timeout=1000 --dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User$uid org.freedesktop.Accounts.User.SetXSession string:ubuntu-2d

Where $uid is your user ID number, mine is 1000.

accessibility at login will certainly be fixed for precise, and may be fixed in oneiric as well, depending on how invasive the fix is.

Hope this helps."


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