Hello everyone,  I downloaded utunto 11 last week and have been trying to get 
orca to talk so that I can install it, how ever, I can't get it to work .  In 
ubuntu 8.4 I could boot to the cd, press enter to select english, press 
downarrow once to tell the installer that I want to install, hit f5, key in 3 
to load speech, and press enter twice and orca would come up talking, how ever 
that doesn't seem to work in the current billed so I was wondering if there is 
something I'm doing wrong?  Also, in an earlier version I was able to get my 
pac mate braille display to work but I don't know how to get that to work 
either.  I've been searching on the net using google trying to find some decent 
instructions on how to successfully boot to the live cd for ubuntu11, infact, I 
spent all day doing pretty much that and finally came acrossed this list.  I'm 
gonna have some more questions later, however, right now I need to get the 
basic problem out of the way.  Thanks for any help anybody can give me.
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