On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 08:16:01PM EST, Hammer Attila wrote:
> Hy,
> I see happened an upgrade with Casper package, to migrate LightDm
> a11y settings with GSettings, because Unity Greeter using GSettings.
> When I try use an installed system in terminal the sudo -u lightdm
> gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter screen-reader false
> command, I get following error:
> hammera@hammera-Satellite-L300:~$ sudo -u lightdm gsettings set
> com.canonical.unity-greeter screen-reader false
> ** WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch
> --autolaunch=57457bea3de3d18c6e5b50340000000d --binary-syntax
> --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: No protocol
> specified\nNo protocol specified\nAutolaunch error: X11
> initialization failed.\n
> ** WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch
> --autolaunch=57457bea3de3d18c6e5b50340000000d --binary-syntax
> --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: No protocol
> specified\nNo protocol specified\nAutolaunch error: X11
> initialization failed.\n
> hammera@hammera-Satellite-L300:~$

The reason why that doesn't work is due to the way gsettings works. Gsettings 
supports multiple backend data storage formats, one of which is dconf. Dconf is 
the default data storage format, which is a database stored at the system/user 
level. When gsettings wants to use dconf, it communicates via dbus to a dconf 
service process that runs as the user. This dconf service process makes the 
requested changes. So the above doesn't work, because there is no dconf service 
running as the lightdm user when you are logged into the system as another user.

> Look what the result if I run sudo -u lightdm gsettings get
> com.canonical.unity-greeter screen-reader command:
> hammera@hammera-Satellite-L300:~$ sudo -u lightdm gsettings get
> com.canonical.unity-greeter screen-reader
> false

I have seen this myself. I suspect either there is some caching going on 
somewhere, or the gsettings dconf backend can read the database itself, but 
cannot write.

> During installation this GSettings key with LightDm are setting properly?

Yes, when the screen reader profile is enabled, this key now gets set. That was 
one of the changes in the updated casper package.

> How can possible enable an installed Ubuntu 12.04 system the screen
> reader support in login screen if this error is present? Temporary
> need sighted assistance?

Control + S should work in the unity-greeter, however there are some weird 
focus issues when unity-greeter first loads, which for some reason prevent 
control + S from working. If you tab to the session selection box, and 
shift-tab back to the password prompt or login button, and then press Control + 
S, Orca should load. When you press Control + S, the screen reader will be 
active for every subsequent use of unity-greeter, until its turned off again.


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