
Here's the latest on my playing with the Ubuntu beta for 04-April.

After getting the system started, I hit the 'try Ubuntu' button, and got a talking Unity-2d session. I set Orca's preferences and made a couple of keyboard shortcuts, using the gnome control center, launched from the Unity launcher as 'system settings'. I opened a Nautilus window on my home folder, also with the launcher, using 'super+2'. Using the menu, I found and connected to my wifi access point. With the connection now open, I hit some web pages. Since gedit is not on the launcher by default, I used 'alt+f2' to type its name. Orca was silent here. Orca did not focus on the gedit window until I used 'super+3' to focus on my running browser, then use 'alt+tab' to go to gedit. I could read and type in this window, but Orca was show to echo my typing or read the character at cursor. Thinking I could speed up Orca by restarting it, I used 'alt+f2' to type 'orca --replace'. The 'replace' switch seemed to be ignored, and I got two running instances of Orca. I opened a terminal, using 'ctrl+alt+t', and had to play with app switching to get focus. I typed 'orca --quit' to the terminal, to stop these instances. I started orca from the terminal. As a test, I tried opening the application manus with 'alt+f10'; orca did not read them. I tried to switch to my gedit window, with 'alt+tab', and orca stayed silent until I released both keys. When speech resumed, it took several seconds to do so. At this point, I decided the session was hopelessly thrashing, and mashed the power button to shut it down, since nothing was talking anymore.

If this account can help someone, please let me know. Also, what further detail can I provide in order to help the effort?



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