
Yesterday Joanie fixed with an Orca braille module bug with Indicator main categories related:

The problem is following:
Orca sending right the selected main indicator categories with the braille display, but after the right text presenting I see my braille display in Unity 2d with following text:
"Unity-panel-service application window"

The problem unfortunately I think not indicators specific, I reproduced this issue with any applications.
An example reproducation steps if you using braille display:
1. Launch Terminal.
2. Press F10 key. Orca right presenting braille the first selected menu item in file menu. 3. Press right arrow. Orca want presenting the new selected Edit main menu, but Unity send the quoted text.

For example, the speech output is following when I pressed right arrow in Terminal:
"Edit label
I have equals experiences under Gedit application.
Why not menu the edit menu role type? Why label?

When I experienced this issue, I used Unity 2d and I using Orca latest master version. Already reported this issue? If not, enough to report Launchpad this problem in Unity package and paste this letter, or need some extra informations if I would like doing absolute correct report?


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