I now have ubuntu 12.04 installed on the usb drive and I am working with it occassionally at home to get me familiarize with stuff etc.
What I have found a bit problematic is using empathy.
Please don't see thiss as a criticism, I would ust like to see if anybody faces the same issues and where they need to be posted in order to address them. I am unable to read incoming chat messages using standard reading keyboard shortcuts I even don't know how to focus the field where the incoming chat messages are displayed. I can use flat review to read these. While closing conversation window the whole system freezes as the contacts list window gains the focus. I haven't yet managed to recover from this other than restarting the machine. While the system is frozen no audio comes through my soundcard, I've tried to restart orca blindly but I haven't managed. Empathy uses system's notifications to anounce incoming events. Sometimes I am missing these notifications because I am usually interupting them accidentally while doing something else. As a result I am unable to work out who I've just received a chat from. I have found a way around it I can see recent conversations in the history but I think this is verry inconvenient comparing it to the experience sighted people have. They can immediatelly recognize who has sent the recent message by looking at the contact list window. Is there a waay to have conversaation window open automatically when a new chat message comes in if conversation with that chat partner has not yet been started? I am unable to get the details about a contact in my list. Empathy displays status messages for each contact on the contact list if the contact has some. Can we get access to that? In the context menu for each contact in the list there is an item saying details. After activating it gnome-contacts application is shown however I have found this application verry inaccessible. I don't know how to see the contact's details. I caan add new contact but I don't know how to browse contacts and get their details accessible.

I see this as a one huge problem. Instant messaging is verry problematic in the current state. Is there something I might be doing wrong or really this is not yet ready for a blind user?

I am IM-ing a lot and I'm also excited about empathy's ability to do voice calling a feature I extremelly miss in windows however how empathy works in my setup is currently unnacceptable for me.

If there is something I can do please let me know.



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