
I'm highly sight impaired, and the last two years, I was used to use ubuntu 10.4 with orca and the compiz plugins eZoom-Desktop and negativeplugin.

Now, i installed ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop and I've some problems.
In unity-2d, dash and louncher works well, but i can not zoom and invert colors. Without that two features, it is hard to use my computer for me. In unity-3d, i configured that two plugins and it works well. But, dash, louncher, and the alt+tab task switcher are not spoken by orca and not zoomed. That means, they are nearly unusable for me. I can only open the dash, starting to type and press enter, and hope the right application will start.

Is there an aditional package to make unity-3d accessible for orca? Or is it possible to use unity-2d in conjunction with compiz?

Hope for help,

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