On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 06:58:24AM EST, Guy Schlosser wrote:
> This is the exact same error message that I am getting. Exactly as
> Andy described, whenever I do autogen.sh on the orca folder it says
> that at-spi2 needs to be 2.5.2 but 2.4.2 is installed. I now have no
> speech since I compiled 2.5.2 without error. Help!!!

Is there something in Orca master that you absolutely want to use? Bare in mind 
that the master branch in orca git only works using python 3, and in order to 
use Orca on python 3, you also need to make sure all Orca's python dependencies 
are set up to be used with python 3 as well. Either way, whether it be git 
master, or the Orca 3.6 git branch, you do need a newer at-spi, which again 
brings me back to asking whether you really need to run the latest and greatest.


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