does orca reliably start and work on login screen in 12.10?
Once the system is installed using the built-in installer it installs unity I assume. I have never tried to install something else than the default. Can I somehow configure autologin so it will use gnome instead of unity?

I know 12.04 is still the recommended however I would like to get the maximum out of available possibilities. In gnome 3.6 accessibility is turned on all the time and I hope this is a big move and hopefully may be helpfull.



On 31. 10. 2012 18:15, Kyle wrote:
Although Ubuntu 12.10 is not considered to be accessible out of the box,
I believe the installer still works without needing extra help, and once
installed, you can configure it to use standard GNOME 3.6. The
recommended Ubuntu for accessibility and eyes-free installation is still
12.04 LTS. You could also try one of the Sonar images at
which is based on Ubuntu 12.04 and then update it to run GNOME 3.6. Hope
this helps.

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