Milton wrote:

> Hi Attila,
> The magnifier in Gnome-shell is working. I took a look in the
> compizconfig-setting-manager and I noticed the short cut keys for to
> increase and decrease the magnification with Shift_Super_button4 and
> Shift_Super_button5. Do you know what button4 and button5 are? Thanks in
> advance.
> Milton
> op 27-04-14 12:55, Hammer Attila schreef:
>> I forgot to wrote the magnifier support related check box possible
>> awailable only if you using GNOME Shell.
>> For example if you installing gnome-session-flashback package and in
>> Lightdm selecting the gnome flashback session, in GNOME Control Center
>> Universal Access preference pane the magnifier related checkbox not
>> available too.
>> Attila

Yes.  Check to be sure, but I think it is; 
button1, left mouse button, 
button2, middle mouse button (press the scroll wheel), 
button3, right mouse button, 
button4, scroll the mouse wheel up (or down?), 
button5, scroll the mouse wheel down (or up?). 

blind Pete
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