Hi all,

Thanks to Rob for helping me out and also thanks to B.H. I'm an end user and happy to learn by the instructions I get.

Op 30-04-15 om 10:50 schreef Rob Whyte:
You can make sure your /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf looks like this:


Good luck

On 30/04/15 16:45, Milton wrote:
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the instructions. It shows that my current display manager
is lightdm. After I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm but still I got
a login screen without sound. Even the sound of the drums. I try by
pressing Ctrl_S and Alt_Super_S and Ctrl_Super_S without success.
somebody told me to set unity greeter as the default but I don't know

Op 29-04-15 om 11:29 schreef Rob Whyte:
first check to see what your current display manager is.

cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager

Note the capital X in the above command.
If anything other than /usr/sbin/lightdm is printed that is your
If so try:
   sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
arrow down to lightdm if there are other choices and push enter.
Then next time you start your machine you should be using lightdm.

Good luck

Kind regards
Rob Whyte

On 29/04/15 18:02, Milton wrote:
dpkg -l|grep lxdm gave no results.
To make sure I did
sudo apt-get purge lubuntu-desktop
and reinstall ubuntu-desktop
lightdm is still installed and again I did
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
But still no talking login screen. I set my laptop to automatically
login so when my wife wants to use her account I then change for
another user in de system menu.

Op 28-04-15 om 10:13 schreef B. Henry:
I almost nevr install via the software center, so do not know
commands for checking dependencies from there.
I'd make sure that I removed the extra packages . In a terminal or
console run apt-cache depends lubuntu-desktop or what ever the
original thing
you installed was called. You can pipe the output to a textfile for
later use.
Then see if you still have any of those deps installed, but as far as
I know what you want to get rid of is  lxdm.
dpkg -l|grep lxdm
and see if it returns anything II means that a given pkg is installed.
sudo apt-get purge for anything lubuntu specific to remove...
Then reconfigure lightdm. Actually, it may have been removed as a
conflicting package when you installed lubuntu stuff, so use dpkg -l
to see if you
have it still, and if not reinstall it. I hope nothing else required
by  a standard unity install was removed.
It's worth checking log files to see exactly what was done if you
still have trouble.

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