It is generally quite good and stable now, some things work that did notin 
12.04, language support for instance was silent in precise, now it works well  
with orca. 
Overall there is a slight difference in the feel, it's a very different unity 
under the hood, but most key bindings are the same. 
You'll have to manually start speechd-up with sudo from your GUI to get speakup 
to talk, and it probably will not on console log-on screen, but once 
logged in speakup is as solid as ever. I usually make a script to kill off 
running speechd-up and then start it as mentioned with sudo and run this when 
the desktop starts. 
I've not run stock trusty in some time, but have vinux5 nightly builds running 
on a laptop so maybe you don't have to kill off speechd-up, and actually 
I can't remember if you have to install it or not on vaniula trusty. 
Orca has made great strides with firefox since versions that worked with 
precise, and now I think firefox support is up there with good windows 
Orca have been very stable with Ubuntu lts 12.04 and 14.04, so I would not wait 
to upgrade if you are running older Ubuntu. 
Vinux5 based on 14.04 should be out soon, and it will be still nicer for screen 
reader users and will offer a choice of desktops, unity, gnome and mate, 
or you could try ubuntu-gnome or mate if Unity is not your cup of tea or you 
find it taxing a slower computer with limited ram. 
Evince is now usable with orca for many pdfs.
   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Cleverson Casarin Uliana wrote:
Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:52:27AM -0300

> Dear all,
> I'd like to know how is Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 the LTS regarding accessibility
> for the blind and also its performance and stability as a whole. Does Orca
> works well, and how about speakup for the console? Also is there any issues
> with non-english languages such as Brazilian Portuguese? Does anyone know if
> Voxin works well under it? Finally, is Orca relatively up to date regarding
> new features?
> Thank you,
> Cleverson
> -- 
> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

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