
Yes, this is possible but there is an additional step needed to enable the addon since Kodi 17. Assumed you have done all that Kyle has recommended i.e. created the folder structure ~/.kodi/addons and unzipped service.xbmc.tts in there you also need to do the following. - Start kodi and arrow around the home screen. Make sure you can hear clicking sound as you are navigating on the Kodi home screen. - Now close kodi by pressing letter s followed by the enter key or if you are on the desktop you can also press alt+F4. - Now use sqlite3 commandline to poke at the database file ~/.kodi/userdata/Database/Addons27.db
- When you can see sqlite prompt type in the following:
UPDATE installed SET enabled=1 WHERE addonID='service.xbmc.tts';
- Now you are done editing sqlite database just exit out of sqlite by typing in
- Now start Kodi and enjoy the Kodi screen reader addon.



On 13.02.2017 at 10:48 Milton wrote:


I installed kodi by doing the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi

I also followed the instructions Kyle gave:
wget http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/krypton/service.xbmc.tts/service.xbmc.tts-1.0.6.zip
mkdir -p .kodi/addons
cd .kodi/addons
unzip ~/service.xbmc.tts-1.0.6.zip

After I launch Kodi 17.0 I have no speech. Did I miss something? Thanks in advance.

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