Am Donnerstag, den 21.07.2005, 12:48 +0100 schrieb Henrik Nilsen Omma:
> Hi Oliver,
> I see that you are the technical contact person for the Art team. I'm 
> meant to set up a Linode server for them to host art.ubuntu.com. Shall I 
> just go ahead with that? Any ideas of what sort of software they'll want 
> to install? Will they want kde-look.org type software (is that PHP?).
> How beefy hardware is required? Will a Linode 96 be enough you think? 
> (http://www.linode.com/products/linodes.cfm)
i personally would prefer something like art.gnome.org uses since the
interface is easier and even my mother would find what she looks for
there, imho gnome-look.org and kde-look.org have usabilty issues, but
since is a team effort here, we should get input and a sane discussion
from the people who use it and make a decision based on this...
(putting the list on CC)

a linode server will fit our needs completely (4 GiB might be a bit
small regarding that there will be a lot of bitmaps in the end, but if
we can upgrade easily i would suggest to take this for a start).


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