The ideas for the elemental theme this far:

Fire-Air:       The sun, sparks flying out of a bonfire
Fire-Earth:     Volcano
Air-Water:      Rain, a whale spraying water, A rainy day, a rainbow
Air-Earth:      A tree (crown in the air roots in the earth), a breeze
over a savannah producing a dust swirl 
Fire-Water:     Coffee, fire/sparks reflecting in water?
Water-Earth:    A pool or lake, a spring, waterfall

As far as I can tell the calendar is still up for grabs if anyone wants
to give it a shot. There's no obligation to go with the elements idea...
It's now 100% clear that I wont have the time to work on it myself :-S

As a last resort we could pass the idea on to Canonical (or save it for
Dapper). This was discussed briefly on IRC.

Mikkel Kamstrup

On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 10:10 +0200, Markus Majer wrote:
> Hi There
> Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen schrieb:
> >Since I'm afraid I wont be able to find the time to work on any calendar
> >images myself (damn masters thesis), I figured I'd better post my
> >thoughts here.
> >  
> >
> Oh, I can feel with you :o(
> For me it is also a bad time, these weeks.
> And the last two days, no way - on wednesday there is a meeting of my 
> LUG, and thursday I have to go to the dentist *sigh*
> >The basic idea is to have a common red thread or idea pervading the
> >calendar images. Maybe even a history.
> >  
> >
> Thats for sure!
> Even if we didnt get such a red thread for breezy, we definitely we need 
> it for the gay duck, ehm, i mean the drapper drake (anybody likes this 
> name!? *g)
> >We need six images. If we are to use any symbols they are to be
> >cross-culture/religion and be non-controversive. My thought; the four
> >elements. 
> >  There are exactly six ways to select pairs of the four elements. Each
> >image could display a pair of the elements in a sort of ying and yang
> >way. The motives could be abstract or concrete, I have no preference,
> >but my first ideas where (please help me :-D):
> >
> >Fire-Air:    The sun, ?
> >Fire-Earth:  Volcano, ?
> >Air-Water:   Rain, a whale spraying water, ?
> >Air-Earth:   A tree (crown in the air roots in the earth), ?
> >Fire-Water:  Coffee, ?
> >Water-Earth: ?
> >  
> >
> Thats nice, just only when I look at your suggestions.
> We need some nice landscapes or some "everyday life" pictures, harmless, 
> quiet backgrounds in the sense of the word "background" :o)
> Second, your transparent png was great. Thats what I'm talking about! :o)
> So anybody could have its own color scheme instead of being forced to 
> use brown (well, i liked it at start, but at first I am someone who 
> needs change, and at second I think germans generally have some dislike 
> of the color brown, perhaps its about ahistory..If we talk about 
> feelings.. But that could be a personal feeling)
> My suggestions, because I cannot visualize a sun background right now, 
> would be for ..
> Fire-Air :a  fire sparks (..out of a bonfire)
> Air-Water: a rainy landscape perhaps with a rainbow (but that would be 
> to colorful perhaps)
> Air-Earth: a air breeze who produced a dust whirl, perhaps in the savannah
> Fire-Water: you mean "firewater"? ;o) no thats a little bit difficult.. 
> hmm..
> Water-Earth: a spring? :o)
> >I have no idea how to make the underlying idea apparent to calendar
> >subscribers though. Maybe really expressive artwork could do it?
> >  
> >
> Another suggestion because these pictures called calendar:
> What do you think if we make a alternative version of the pictures, with 
> a real calendar on it?
> We're doing this for two of our clients, so they have corporate 
> wallpapers. But these are with the whole year included cause they didnt 
> change the backgrounds.
> But it looks nice and its useful, too.
> >Another idea.
> >It could becool to have small previews of the wallpapers to come hidden
> >around in each image.
> >  
> >
> A teaser? Yes that would be nice ;)
> >An observation.
> >The ubuntu logo has _six_ parts. Three circles and three arcs.
> >
> >Just my thoughts. I hope they'll help somebody, or else they might be
> >usable for Dapper. Cheers
> >
> >Mikkel Kamstrup
> >
> But, for Breezy - because there are only a few days, perhaps we could 
> look what we already have, for example on and vote in a poll?
> Is the humility iconset finished right now?
> There was a suggestion to include the program "gnome-art" into ubuntu - 
> somebody knows something about that? I think thats a nice idea.
> But now I got to work
> Greetings and good luck to all of you who work hard towards the deadline
> Markus

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