On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 09:31 pm, Frédéric van der Essen wrote:
> Have you heard about the Tango Project ?
> they aim at making a consistant and cross desktops icon theme.

Awesome idea. ++


> Should we
> - Ignore tango and continue working on Humanity (if there is still work
> being done on it ) ? - creating a tango compatible humanity theme ?
> - converting the tango theme to ubuntu color palette ?
> - using the tango theme as it is ?

The icon set is still being worked on by Andy Fitzsimon. I've talked to him 
not too long ago, and he's got plans - but by the looks it's a lot of work 
and once he posts us some guidelines for helping (to keep a unified look) I 
think a few others will jump on it and help out. There definitely is interest 
in making a unique Ubuntu icon set.

Nevertheless, when the time comes that Tango is finished I think it would be a 
lovely idea to include is as is; The Tango set. It can be shipped like 
normal. :)

Pascal Klein
Wombat - [http://wombat.nuxified.com]

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