Hi guys

Just an update on the state of icons for Dapper.

 1. Dave is making good progress on the new icon set. The set will not be complete by the time Dapper ships. We are going for the most visible icons first, and Jeff Waugh has the priority list for Dave. We hope to stretch to include all the icons that are very commonly seen on Ubuntu.

 2. The style guide of these new icons is not Tango, but it is relatively close, and Tango will make a good fallback icon theme for Dapper. However, the Tango core palette is blue, and ours is Human, so we would really like to call for help on converting Tango icons to this Human palette (which uses warmer, brown, yellow and orange colours extensively).

We will shortly publish a page which lists the icons that we would like to get into the Human palette from Tango, but which are not going to be able to be done in the full new Human style, and contributions towards getting those done would be hugely appreciated. Lapo and others have shown that it's possible to get quite a bit done in short time!

We are looking to have new GTK and Icon theme packages shortly, so that it's possible to see how this all fits together.

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