..on Wed, May 17, 2006 at 02:47:50PM +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> A nice wiki page was created just for this and was posted earlier by a
> list member:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions

thanks for doing that, great to see them all together!

what immediately strikes me is how much intelligently Viper550's splashes work 
with the limited colour palette.

the don't have gradation, but appear to as s/he uses flat colour to
mimic the effect, as screenprinters and poster artists have done for decades.

i have to say i'd also be pleased to get rid of the extraneous boot output 
when serious errors are encountered. who wants to see the words "LVM Volume 
Group" at 9am? 
for most it's just senseless noise.

IMO the ubuntu logo is extremely graphically solid and doesn't even need the 
name next to it. so, (completely prematurely) my vote is for: 


(btw wouldn't it be great if the ubuntu logo was itself a progress
bar, where a colour rotated through the form, 'filling it' as the boot


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