
> There is only one version which counts, which is the 600x400 (or
> whatever) FINAL IMAGE that gets baked into the .so file. The value of
> having a (for example) 1024x768 version is to see what it will
> ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE when the framebuffer expands it to fill the screen.
> That expansion is "dumb" (there's no smoothing going on) so the
> example large-format version should be scaled up with a "dumb" scaling
> algorithm so it gives a realistic view.

I understand your wish to test in the worse case, but really, people are
able to choose their resolution with gfxboot, powerpc automatically
choose the right resolution, CRT screen doubles neither row nor column,
LCD have smooth scaling for years.

However, i build 1024x768 picture with same colors using convert. I
published them as *.1024x768.png at
http://bersace03.free.fr/pub/ubuntu/dapper/usplash/ .

I use my updated Makefile i attached to build all these 8 picture
easily. Put you source pngs in [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the PNGS variable. Then Type
make 1024x768 and it will build .1024x768.png pictures. type make
640x400 and the same appear for 640x400. make thumbs generate thumbs
from 640x400 resized to 320x240. make build .so for each PNGS. make
install to copy them to /usr/local/lib/usplash and add alternative for
these. No uninstall target yet :).

Wish that helps.

Verso l'Alto !
# This Makefile consists of a bunch of rules to automate the task of splashes handling.
# You need imagemagick libbogl-dev gcc and other packages to get this work.
#	1. Build .png to .so
#	2. Generate 640x400 from 640x480
#	3. Generate thumbnails from 640x400 resized to ration 4:3
#	4. Resample to 1024x768 without antialias
#	5. Install .so in /usr/local/lib/usplash and add alternatives.
# © Étienne Bersac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# All the GPL stuff you want here.

# Just edit this variables to list your 640x480 indexed png sources.
PNGS= $(shell ls *ubuntu-logo-{light,dark}.png)

# avoid editing next.

all: $(TARGETS)

%.so: %.o
	gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,usplash-artwork.so $< -o $@

%.o: %.c
	gcc -Os -g -I/usr/include/bogl -fPIC -c $< -o $@

%.c: %.640x400.png
	pngtobogl $< > $@

%.640x400.png: %.png
	convert $< -resize 640x400\! -colors 16 $@

	for so in $(TARGETS) ; do \
	cp $$so /usr/local/lib/usplash; \
	update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/local/lib/usplash/$$so 55; \
	update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
	dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$$(uname -r)
	rm -f $(TARGETS)

640x400: $(PNGS:%.png=%.640x400.png)

1024x768: $(PNGS:%.png=%.1024x768.png)

%.1024x768.png: %.640x400.png
	convert $< -sample 1024x768\! -colors 16 $@

thumbs: $(PNGS:%.png=%.thumb.png)

%.thumb.png: %.png
	convert $< -thumbnail 320x240\! $@


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