Manu Cornet wrote:
but what some guys are doing here looks very much like some kind of
"holy crusade" to me ("dude, believe in my god or I'll cut your head

Please chill, the main point of this team (if I understand it
correctly) is to made great artwork for Ubuntu, no matter what tools
you're using, isn't it ?


I agree with you Manu, and I can't believe this is happening. Michael was merely making a request to stop the bitching, quite frankly a rather reasonable request, one which I back, and to just get on with good art. These holy crusaders you speak of are just taking it as an invite to bitch themselves.

Billy wrote:
It won't make my art any better.
yes it does

Billy. Has anything you said in this discussion been backed up by any real evidence? No. You're just preaching contradictions expecting everyone to fall into place and believe you. Maybe if you showed us a few pictures of art produced with proprietary software compared to art produced by free and open software and show us some real infallible evidence that open source is better, we might.

Tom Moitie

ubuntu-art mailing list

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