On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 12:24 -0400, Viper550 wrote:
Michiel Sikma wrote:
> Hey all. I'm wondering about the possible inclusion of special effects 
> such as drop shadows and other forms of transparency in Ubuntu artwork 
> (themes). Does anybody know whether this is a planned feature for Edgy?
> I'm asking because I personally will be designing my mock-ups way 
> differently if it is possible. I think that it would definitely have 
> an impact on artwork. I want to keep capabilities in mind, afterall.
> Maybe this is best off being asked on Ubuntu-devel, so I'll send it 
> there too.
> Michiel
> --ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
Unfortunately, due to it's incomparability with most older systems, it 
is not included in Dapper or Edgy by default, but there is this neat 
thing you can get over the Universe repository called XGL.

 From what I hear, it's the coolest thing ever! It's a composite 
manager, and it even can be paired up with its dedicated window manager 
called Compiz, which can add Vista like effects and more to your Ubuntu 
Linux system!


p.s. It doesn't work with that many older video cards, my main Windows 
system could use it off this live CD which had it and it has a gForce 4 
Embedded video card and it worked!

The last version of Metacity was to have a composite manager built in, but it didn't make it. Next version is shooting for it, from what I've heard. Since it is likely to be a while before Compiz is themable, Metacity is the one to watch and support, not to mention we already have thousands of themes for it. In the long run Compiz will likely be the better in the end, or so they say.

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