Cheers all.

I don't mean to spam the list, but I'd like to present myself quickly to you all since I joined this team just now. :)

I'm a fairly new, recently-converted, Ubuntu-user so my knowledge of the linux world is, well, pretty basic. But, I've spent 5 years as a professional IT consultant and technician (mainly Windows 2k-XP and OS8-OSX) so I'm learning quickly.

More viable here is that I also have had a career in an advertising agency as graphics artist and layouter, and have diplomas in digital graphics. I have also been running my own business with a friend since 1997, designing websites, intranets, doing filmwork etc.

Currently, I quit my job as an IT drone (cheer for me!) to pursue more rewarding things, so I'm studying at Hyper Island School of New Media at the moment, a 2 year education in project management and with a focus on digital media. Right now I'm on one of the internship periods, and the last three months I've been sitting in a huge media consultancy firm (Carat / Aegis Media) and will work there over the summer.

But I have a great urge to do more graphics works, or at least help others with it, and seeing as I've just fallen in love with Ubuntu I'd like to contribute in any way I can. I believe the Ubuntu project is an important and vital step for the desktop OS-market. And I *so* love making UI's, and my next internship will be at DICE (you know, the guys behind the Battlefield games) where I'll pester the UI designer a good deal. I guess it's my secret fetish. :)

And to end off with the basic ASL; 26yr old swedish dude with beard, glasses and a crappy laptop.

Cheers all
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