On Jul 3, 2006, at 6:16 PM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

I've been looking over the artwork-related specs for Edgy via
EdgyArtworkPlan, and am very pleased to see this kind of integration and advance planning happening for artwork this time around. Thanks for the
work you have put into this effort.

So far, I see the following list of targets:


I've approved most of them as targets for Edgy, so that they their status can be tracked in Launchpad, and they're on the list of release goals now:


I've been fairly liberal about approving specs, since I don't think we can expect the same level of definition for creative targets as we currently do for technical ones. However, there should be some basic guidelines in place so that it's clear in what direction you'll be going. The usplash spec, for
example, needs some expansion.

I noticed that you've set milestone targets for them; please don't do this. We'll (possibly) use milestone targeting later on in the planning cycle to set more fine-grained deadlines for landing certain targets. We're not ready to do this, however, and haven't created the appropriate milestones

No problem :-) We tried as best we could at Paris to fit the actual artwork process to the existing structure, which seemed somewhat too rigid/final anyway.

I would like for the artwork team to submit weekly status updates, either in person at the weekly development meeting, or in advance via email to me (and I will present the update to the team). These should document progress made during the week, and point out any issues which are relevant to the team (questions which need answering, resources which are needed, etc.) Who can
take responsibility for this?

It seems that the most logical people would be the AIC's (Frank and myself) unless someone steps up with the right qualifications and a lot of enthusiasm :-)

It looks like the specs are set to status "Needs Infrastructure", but it isn't clear what this means in this context. Is there something blocking the work from starting? If so, please specify what it is in the status
whiteboard and we can work to resolve it.

I'm looking forward to a much more rigorous approach to artwork in this release, with closer coordination between the development team and the art

Hopefully this planning will pay-off not only with beautiful artwork, but timely artwork as well.

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