On Thu, 2006-06-07 at 01:51 +0100, Who wrote:

> I was working on using SVGs to get fyre-like effects a while ago and I
> have dugg up some of the ideas - I have put together a 'ponder-pic'
> that shows off the style a bit

This is much more what ponder is for.  The idea is
to get fresh directions down, then decide which to
pursue to production.

Even perhaps more important than this is the possibility
of stimulating an even better idea through cooperation.

Also, although we haven't really needed it in this
cycle, motifs and thematics can be bounced.  Again though,
this isn't necessary for Edgy.

Keep up the great work folks!

PS:  Don't hesitate to add a cropped 330 image to the
textures page that has been started:


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