Hello fellow artists,

Today marks the official end of the Ponder phase. We've had some great texture 
submissions by a variety of contributors and I will be arranging them on the 
Wiki in the next few days. Expect this work to be done by the 10th of July, 
2006. Until that date you can still send me ideas and I will add the best 
ones to the submissions and consider them for the Ponder results.

Besides wrapping up Ponder, today is also the starting date for the Propose 
phase. During this phase we'll be looking for compositional proposals for 
each of the four community artwork targets: the usplash, GDM theme, login 
splash and the desktop wallpaper.

What are we looking for? Pencil sketches, unfinished mockups, black and white 
art and simple SVGs of the compositional ideas you've got. The slogan for 
this phase is almost "the rougher, the better", meaning that loose ideas and 
sketches are more valuable than finished pieces of art.

We'll be using the sketches and drafts to share, combine and refine ideas for 
each artwork target. Theme teams can use these sketches if they want and I 
know that Kenneth will be looking here for great compositional ideas for 
Kubuntu artwork as well.

Please take note that your submissions should be licensed under the CCSA 
license. You should include a statement with your artwork like: "I hereby 
publish this work under the Creative Commons Share Alike license." This makes 
it possible for everyone to use sketches as a starting point for new 

The Propose phase will last until the 27th of July, meaning we've got three 
weeks to refine the ideas. After the first two weeks I'll assess the progress 
we've made and make sure we're on the right track, which leaves one week to 
resolve any problems and finish leftover ideas.

I'm looking forward to working together and getting some great compositions by 
the end of this phase. If you have any questions or doubts, don't hesitate to 
contact me or the mailing list, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks 
for reading.

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

ubuntu-art mailing list

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