Edir wrote:
What do you think about this? create submenus like we have in Windows but extending the menu and not showing as a simple menu like Windows do.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/edir/188186386/ <http://www.flickr.com/photos/edir/188186386/>

We could use this in the select box "Show", we can put there options like "Places", "Network Connections", "Recent Documents" and many other. But! In this place i think it's not so fast to select what you want. But it's good too, is a simple solution!

PERFECT! Best Idea Ever, now all we have to do is hack the source code with these added changes...and it will be ready for primetime.

But...we do have one more major problem that almost has NOTHING to do with the actual module at all!

This also explains why this has also been sent to Ubuntu-Art as well.

The Control Center and Application Browser use larger icons than the regular menus, so we'll have to make larger versions of the current preferences icons in order for this to go through. I am sending this message to both the Desktop group and the Artwork group to make sure we all know this: we need as many SVG's of the Human, Tangerine, and Tango icon sets (or 48x48 icons at least) distributed in their corresponding icon sets as possible in order for the Control Center to look properly. We already have the correct icon sizes for Applications, but because we've never actually "needed" them, there are no larger icons for the Settings panels. Consistency is what we need.

I was originally told that this wasn't Art Team business, but I guess it is now. Only YOU can help keep things consistant


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