Hi Dennis,

This sounds excellent :-) Having a few options is nice for a change :-)

On Jul 24, 2006, at 4:30 PM, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:

Hello all,

For Edgy usplash will be changing (and already has changed)
significantly. The good news is that theming usplash will be a bit
easier. The bad news is that theming usplash will be a bit harder.

That sounds contradictory, but it really isn't. The preleminary
specifiactions of usplash-to-be are as follows:

* A theme exports a 'struct theme' with the following members
 - A background pixmap
 - An offset into the palette for the background color
 - Function pointers to functions for
  - Drawing the progress bar
  - Drawing a throbber
  - Drawing the text
* The text drawing function may be a NULL pointer to disable text
* Themes will be able to use all bogl drawing primitives and are free
  to use them as needed

Are the primitives only going to be drawn in one color? How do these primitives get that color? An offset into the palette again? (The same applies for determining the text color?).

How is a throbber to be defined? Will it be a series of bitmaps included in an extra pic, or attached somehow to the bottom of the usplash pic itself, etc.

The obvious downside is that themes, which currently are just artwork,
will need to contain a significant bit of code. The advantage is that
it's possible to create styled progressbars (eg: make them look like the
GTK progressbars).

I want to remind you at this point that this is no real specification
yet and is subject to change. Moreover, no code has been written for it
yet as it is pending on other changes in the init/bootlog/usplash
system. However, I didn't want the artwork to be blocked on these code
changes, so I want to propose the following for people who create
usplash themes

- Create a 640x400 png with 16 colors that scales nicely to 3:4

spelling error: it should be 4:3 :-)

- Then create 3 versions of it
 - One with no text and an empty progressbar
 - One with a full progressbar
 - One with a full text area

There are only a few fonts available for use in usplash themes, I'll
work on providing previews of them asap. New fonts in the form of freely redistributable .bdf files are welcome and themes can also link in their
own fonts.

Again, great features...can't wait to test them out :-)


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