Michiel Sikma wrote:
This is ridiculous. So even though it was asked by Frank to polish  
the Human GTK theme, going as far as to start a wikipage dedicated to  
it and advertising it on the mailing list (and not minding the fact  
that I did so afterwards), apparently we're now dropping it? Even  
though I've already made a mock-up which has had a lot of positive  
feedback? You're just saying, as if it is nothing, that we're not  
doing it anyway, the only reason being that "the XML is a bit massive"?

Or are you going to cling on to the excuse that "the deadline is  
approaching", even though we still have a good week to produce things?

I really do not approve of such an attitude. You're supposed to be  
somewhat of a leader. You're thus not supposed to handle  
contributions by members like this, simply stating in a random e-mail  
that "we're not gonna do it afterall, for your information", after  
work has been put into it in response to an official call to produce  
the work. The work has been produced and needs some more work before  
it can be finalized for consideration, but even though we're still  
inside the planning, now suddenly it is no longer necessary?

As much as I realize that we can't do _everything_ we would like to  
for Edgy, Troy, I think this is plain ridiculous.

Michiel, I'm somewhat responsible for this.

The current GTK theme was produced by Richard and Daniel, the authors of Clearlooks, working directly with me in London. Of course I'm happy to review updates to that but for the moment I will expect to sign off on those changes personally. That was not clear to Frank.

So, by all means continue with GTK work, but present those changes to me rather than Frank.

At the moment, having reviewed your current screenshots I think the roundedness is nice but the colour palette is not rich or saturated enough for me. There seems to be a hint of blue on the bottom of the widgets, and the net effect doesn't work well for me. I prefer the deeper more saturated look of the current widget set.

By all means, however, keep going!

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