On Tue, 2006-29-08 at 13:24 +0100, Who wrote:
> I think using a background that is okay for scaling - say something
> abstract, and then putting the logo etc as boxes on top should help -
> no?

Yes.  I can live with scaling of the background.

The boxes technique seems to be the key, but it
needs some explaining.  I know Pyrotica has some
pretty in-depth GDM theming knowledge, so I was
hoping that someone with that sort of knowledge
might be able to offer some specifics.

On that note, I might add that Pyrotica
has been assembling a terrific document on GDM 
theming.  Not only is this a terrific bit of
work, but it also illustrates exactly how 
_anyone_ can contribute to the Artwork team
and be extremely useful -- regardless of your



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