That effect is very nice,
In fact, I think it looks even nicer if you ad a 2px white highlight
ot the bottom of it...

Unfortunately, I have a few 'buts' to consider

At the moment, the panel style changes with the GTK style - which is good,

However, by using an image we stop this from happening, if I now
select a theme with black bg and white fg the panel image will stay
and make the panel unreadable,

Unfortunately, I feel this kind of thing is not viable for inclusion
in a distro unless:
we patch the theme manager to remove the image when the theme is
changed for the first time,
we pathc the theme manager to allow a theme to specify a panel BG and
to use nothing if a panel BG is not specified...

The second is, of course, far preferable...

The other 'but' is that the panel image will look strange if the panel
is dragged to a different edge, for example your current panel has a
black line at the top which may look weird when at the bottom but
_will_ look weird if the panel is side on.

Again, this is really a software bug, I guess (is it?) - the panel
should rotate the image if it is side on, no?

Sorry to be a killjoy :S,

There is the option of using the theme engine to apply a style to all
items on the panel, a theme I made a while back had these lines in it
that caught all the panel widgtets I tried...

widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
class "*Panel*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
class "*notif*" style "panel"
class "*Notif*" style "panel"
class "*Tray*" style "panel"
class "*tray*" style "panel"

However, as yet I think the UbuntuLooks engine is unable to draw
designs for the panel - you would have to use the pixbuff engine to
get an effect similar to the one in the original post...but even this
doesn't rotate pixmaps when the panel is side on...


On 9/27/06, effraie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> i updated the page
> with a white version
> comments are welcome
> Étienne Bersac a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > Since Metacity human theme is also brown, a brown panel is the wrong
> > choice. The same tile, but white would rock.
> >
> > Étienne.
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