> You're asking the right questions! We desperately need _clear_
> guidelines like these to avoid the issue we have now where so much
> work has been done but not enough of it conforms to the standards that
> Mark needs for Ubuntu to be perfect. I hope this will be a key part of
> the process for Edgy+1 - stick around and help us out :)

I'd love to help, here are some of my ideas.

How about we start up two projects.

The first  ( art.ubuntu.org )  has already been mentioned. I would see
this as being something like art.gnome.org . It would need to be a
meeting place for artists and users alike. If people are worried about
quality on such a service it would be possible to implement some form
of a review system. The goal of such a system would be to, keep art
standards high (no unfinished works), give feedback to the artists,
maintain site navigability through quality metadata (if you like this,
you may also enjoy these similar pieces of art... - tagged: Ubuntu,
Human) supplied by reviewers, artists and users, and give us something
else to read and waste our precious time :)
A practical result of an art.ubuntu.org (if it succeeds) would be to
provide Ubuntu development with an already present pool of ideas and
artists to draw from.

The second project would be a continuation of this (guess that means
it has also been mentioned previously (; ). As I see it you might not
get the same people all the way through a project like this. But if
you work at it and keep all the work done transparent the project can
carry forward the ideas people leave in passing. To get this happening
you need to be clear on the goals of the project and how to go about
it. Also the environment needs to be clearly stated so that everybody
particpating knows the rules. I would never have thought of changes in
art causing a problem with documentation. These sort of things need to
be written down and publicised in some manner, hence my asking about a
code of best practise (or somesuch).


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