Am Donnerstag, den 23.11.2006, 19:18 +0300 schrieb Ivan Sagalaev:
> Hello!
> A Troy James Sobotka's recent email reminded me of an issue that I 
> raised some time before Edgy's release:
>  > In fact, last cycle, the emblems were changed based on
>  > a single email.
> Feeling that I've failed to explain the issue properly last time (been 
> busy working as it happens :-) ) I've filed a bug in Launchpad about 
> current orange emblems where I tried to explain why I think they lack 
> usability: 
> I'll be happy to clarify my claims more, feel free to discuss it here.

Hi I'm the creator of these emblems and i understand your problem. The
first plan, was these emblems with different colors, but the most people
would have the single color version. My personal feeling about the
single color version is very well, she looks fine with the rest of the
human icons and i found every place in the exactly the same time, as the
"old" gnome versions. 

For an "icon developer" is it very difficult to create icons and all
people love them. I think the most persons like my emblems, but maybe i
lay wrong, than should be made a little poll and the community choose
the best solution.

Sincerely yours, nysosym

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