Hi everybody, first thing I'll ask is to forgive my English, I'm French.

It has been said on the french forum that Ubuntu was actually very ugly. Go
to your friends's houses, boot on the Live CD and you'll see most of them
saying "creepy ! I'll keep Vista !". And we have to admit that the only good
thing in Vista is the Aero interface. No need to talk about OSX, it has
always been quite beautiful, and no wonder why the most downloaded themes on
Gnome-Look.org are some OSX look-alike ones.

Now check Ubuntu's default themes. Human and Glossy are correct, other ones
are really old and ugly. On the seven themes integrated, two looks correct,
but still old, and the other ones are just as beautiful as Win95. Why can't
we add a few modern themes ? Just one or two, that could replace the Crux or
Glider themes (have a look).

See, Ubuntu aims to be a distro for everyone. Mr Everyone is not stupid, but
still he's often a n00b :D . So the thing he's gonna look first is design.
How to convince Mr Everyone Ubuntu's a great OS ? By showing him a nice
design, something that looks clear, simple and efficace. Then everything
will "Just Work" and all this on a nice theme :).

Now, the solutions. If everyone agrees of course. I've talked a little with
Brian Ward (author of this nice orb :
http://www.brianward.us/myspace/public/ubuntu-orb.png :) and agreeing to
what I just said, we told that creating a totally new theme would be some
really hard work, and with the tons of themes available on Gnome-look.org,
would be time wasted. So what we thought was to make a selection of the best
themes on Gnome-look.org (Aero and OSX-like excluded of course), then try to
mix everything in a new, fresh, modern themes.

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