..on or around Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 11:37:14PM +1300, tonic said:
> This theme was posted before but I've got a screenshot of it with the
> human icons and an appropriate background.
> http://picasaweb.google.com/ghatanothoa/CurrentProjects/photo#5130780973349261154
> The black window decoration with orange widgets and menu bar really give
> the theme pizazz. Also, it fits exceptionally well with the current icon
> styling.

i don't know. it just looks too rich/dominant/aggressive for me to ever
be able to work with for longer than an hour. it says "look at me!" not
"make yourself comfortable".

i don't mind the top panel too much, but the contrast between the orange file 
menu and the window title bar is needlessly demanding of attention. 

remember it's all very well providing a screenshot of just one window open, but 
that's not what a typical desktop looks like. we ought to be comparing
screenshots with many windows and popular programs open to get a sense
of the theme's success overall. 

in that screenshot there's just one window, hence just one orange and black 
stripe. many windows is many orange and black stripes. is that what you
want to look at all day?

a good interface should go unnoticed for almost of the time. the last
thing you want it your desktop to be a dramatic work of Art in itself. 



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