On 11/11/07, Carlos Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps the most extreme example is the Emblems --- in the
> "Emblems" tab in the Properties window for a folder or a file,
> I see a bunch of little orange things, all close to identical to each
> other, and only distinguishable by taking a very close look at
> them --- same size, same color, same shape  (orange, round);
> plus they're flat --- when you introduce "full-color" to the icons,
> you can even include 3D touches.

The (useless) little orange emblems in Nautilus are the primary reason
I use the Tango icons instead of Ubuntu's default Human ones.[0]

Up until Dapper (was it Dapper?) Human had nice Tango-styled Emblem
icons, with different shapes, an actual palette of different colours,
and all that. Then the little orange blobs arrived, and I haven't used
Human since, personally.

There's been a number of discussions on this list about the
uselessness of the little orange Nautilus blobs - check the mailing
list archives - but the things keep re-appearing in each release of

For Hardy, can we please kill off the little orange blobs?

[0]Not that Tango is perfect, either - OpenOffice's Tango icons are
massive and cartoonish - Human icons look far nicer in OOo. But I use
Nautilus far more than OOo, so Tango stays...

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