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Perhaps a few questions and you can evaluate it yourself:

1) Do you feel gloss is contemporary?  Can you site any
contemporary trend from a designer / art / photography
magazine that would suggest that glossy / shiny is
heading back into mainstream?  Are there perhaps other
styles that might be not only more fresh but more evocative
of a potential Ubuntu 'identity'?

2) Does green feel close to Ubuntu's lineage considering
its brown hues of past?

3) Does grass seem distinctive and innovative considering
the operating system landscape?  Leopard pre-releases and
Vista have both featured grass wallpapers.  Is duplication
and imitation something that you wish Ubuntu to forward
as a trend?

4) Ubuntu has strict rules regarding the presentation of
its official logo.  Were you aware that there are rules
governing the colours laid out in the official logo?  Do
you think that Mark Shuttlworth would be willing to stray
from the default logo colours presented in the past three
to four years?  Do you think it would be wise for a company
such as Coca-Cola to stray from their brand logo of red and
white?  Pepsi to stray from their brand logo of blue, white,
and red?

5) On a technological note, is the mock you presented viable?
Does translucency currently exist as you have it presented?
Is the visual styling of the menu etc. currently attainable
with the codebase?

6) Having considered the audience you are designing this for,
do you believe it helps to create an emotional attachment to
the Ubuntu identity?  Does it have a clear voice or tepid
delivery?  Does it have enough body to create a full fledged
motif from for marketing and further material?  Is the palette
rounded out enough to support such a presentation?

Hope these questions help to illuminate possible future direction.


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