I think that it's not a question of resolution, it's just that the elements are 
too big. The font size is HUGE (it should probably be half the current size). 
Also, the top and bottom bars could be thinner. Another think that I 
poersonally find weak in this mockup is the lack of details (just simple 
gradients an thick borders don't visually atract me)

Try to make a 1024x768 mockup, it's one of the most common sizes. And ALWAYS 
check the proportions by switching the the mockup's resolution. You will the 
clearly see if things like font or icon sizes are OK.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: AA Boy 
  To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork 
  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Mockup

  Sorry, I just got used to doing everything at 1600x1200 resolution. I can try 
to modify it to see if I can make it smaller if you want (though the quality 
might not be as good),

  On 12/20/07, Thomas L.G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Hi AA Boy
    - Why is everything so huge? :)

    - Thomas L.G

    AA Boy skrev:
    > I redid my mockup to make the panels less intense. Like before, this
    > can all be done in SVG if needbe (almost all the elements are from SVG). 
    > http://www.smartboy.salocinlinux.org/db/ubuntu-mockup2.png
    > < http://www.smartboy.salocinlinux.org/db/ubuntu-mockup2.png>

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