This post is mostly to satisfy my curiosity. I have been using the 
'Darkilouche' theme on my systems since discovering it a few months ago, 
and with all the talk of a dark/orange theme for 8.04, I was wondering if 
this theme has gotten any consideration? Why re-create the wheel so to 
speak if there is something already out there. I have seen this theme in 
use in TONS of screenshots around several 'blog planets', so we know a 
great number of people already like it!

If you haven't seen it, here a couple of screenshots of the theme in use 
on my Laptop:

I just saw a post on Planet Ubuntu Users, and it made me think of this, so 
I signed up for the list to post, so my apologies if this has already been 
hashed out or otherwise brought up :-)



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