On Dec 30, 2007 9:32 PM, Troy James Sobotka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nicolas Deschildre wrote:
> > But I must say the first impression it gives me it that it is intended
> > for kids.
> It was intended to be whimsical and circus like, as anyone who has
> ever been around Ubuntu discussions knows that they rapidly turn
> into a circus.

Interesting interpretation :)

> > I particularly [sic] light bulb in the 3D Ubuntu logo because it
> > carries the meaning.
> Am I far off with the following guesses?
> 1 - The two features in question are attempting to attract
> a casual Ubuntu user.  Stern and serious undertones?
> 2 - The site patrons are already on a site that is Ubuntu
> oriented, is putting more branding a necessary requirement?
> How about a singular lightbulb with a more subtle Ubuntu
> coloured glow, as per the Flask?
> Any further information would help to optimize the time...

Ok I'll try to describe it more:
The targeted audience are all Ubuntu users, from first-time users to
power users, so a serious tone is appropriate.
The logos should clearly identify the purpose of the modules and show
the Ubuntu brand. For at least two reasons :
The same logo will probably be used on the "image links" I described,
and they will be inserted in various non-Ubuntu contexts (E.g. forum
signatures). And IMO a large proportion of the visits to the idea
module will come from non-Ubuntu contexts.
The logos and "image links" should also stay in the traditional Ubuntu
palette, black-brown-red-yellow, to be coherent with the Ubuntu theme.

That's all I have in mind right now, if you have any other question,
please don't hesitate to ask.


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