julian wrote:
> i also do not believe in the brown; it seems to offend too many to 
> justify
> investment as a basis for design. given that a brown-based theme is 
> unnegotiable it is hardly worth debating here however.
It's a bit of a quandary isn't it?  I do believe you can do a nice brown 
theme - my problem with most of them is that the brown overpowers 
everything.  It's why I've got so much whitespace as a balance.
> a 'hue-wheel' however might be just the medicine for the great number of 
> Ubuntu users that dislike brown on their desktop. based on a few tests with 
> Gimp i think Ken's Union theme and this theme would well in this regard:
>       http://mossblaser.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-8-04-GUI-Design-Idea-7257460
> cheers,

I definately think this would be a good idea.  It's pretty trivial to 
change the theme to be identical but with a different hue.  I made a 
blue version in about 5 minutes.  Providing 6 or so colour presets might 
be a good solution to the problem so if they really do hate the brown, 
they can change the colour without having to find their own theme.

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