xl cheese wrote:
> 1.  Easy fix.  the metacity button prelights also need some tlc.
> 2.  Easy fix.
> 3.  If you want the lines gone you'll need to petition the gtk engine
> developers to allow me to add a patch to the clearlooks engine.  I'm
> running my altered version and the patch is transparent to the
> existing gtkrc's that already exist.  You have to just change the
> menubarstyle and toolbarstyle to a new option within the gtkrc.  I
> pinged them about adding my code to the engine, but received no response.

Cimi last time I knew was on this list and he could add your patch to

> Guessing you want to see something more like this screenshot?  I can
> easily adjust the contrast of the menubar and toolbar gradients more
> or less.
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=73163&file1=73163-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=clearlooks+hack
> <http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=73163&file1=73163-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=clearlooks+hack>

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