Who wrote:
> Especially about colours - I
> haven't done much work on this display and I want to know if it looks
> too intense/yellow/dark/whatever on other people's monitors..

Greetings Whoosie!  Great to see you still around.

I would encourage anyone with interest to purchase a colour spectrometer
for their work.  They can be an extremely inexpensive investment, and,
happily, the bulk of the professional grade tools are supported under
Free Software.  Further still, the entry level models will do a terrific
job and not cost a significant amount of money.  An entry level Huey for
example, is under 90 dollars American.

I would avoid ColorVision's line, simply because they appear to have a
great deal of animosity / ignorance toward the Free Software ideology
(1).  In addition to this, their Spyder2 -- despite being supported
under Argyll, relies on a proprietary binary blob firmware -- which we
all know takes us down a dark and ugly path.  Pantone's on the other
hand, works wonderfully as well as being attached to the industry
standard Gretag / Macbeth trademarks.  IF you purchase a product from
Pantone, please contact them and tell them that you purchased it because
it is supported by Argyll.  I have already done so, and their response
has been positive.  A full list of supported colour spectrometers can be
found at Argyll's main site (2).

jcornuz has a wonderful blog with all of the beginner steps to getting a
 colour management system up and running and generating ICC profiles for
your monitor (3).

I hope this helps someone out,

(1) http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/openicc/2007q4/001026.html
(2) http://argyllcms.com/
(3) http://jcornuz.wordpress.com/category/tutorials/

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