В 14:54 +0200 на 20.05.2008 (вт), Giuseppe Pennisi написа:
> I think my problem is Olive. It crashing and not work correctly in my
> system (don't tell me why because I don't know).
> I'm come back to use terminal...simple and rock.

I use the terminal as olive is not there yet (not good enough).

> ps: what you think about menu proposal? I think we might move in this
> way and insert it in branch.

It is good but we have a firefox bug that stops us from doing it. If the
bug is fixed and the shadows under menus disabled (and the gray border
around menus removed) then we can talk about continuity. 

Right now we have a more important task: to set up the theme engine (we
don't know if murrine can support buttons without glossy effect) so we
should develop two themes - one for clearlooks and one for murinne-svn
(with rgba support). As I said your are free to make a different folder
(newwave-theme-murrine) and refine the gtkrc to fit the new engine.

I've pushed a revision (I make mistakes too) and now is rev 10 :) It may
take a while to reflect on the servers.


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