В 21:01 -0700 на 04.06.2008 (ср), Dylan McCall написа:
> Hello art team!
> It's been a while since I blabbered about this, and it's come some way
> since then. I am working on a slideshow system for Ubuntu to work
> alongside the installation progress bar in Ubiquity (the Live CD
> installer). My goal is to unobtrusively give users an introduction to
> Ubuntu. Something I have noticed with a lot of issues people have is
> that people have simply not noticed the way things are done in Ubuntu.
> Case in point, installing software, for which a shocking number of
> people seem to try downloading source code /before/ noticing Add /
> Remove Applications. I think having a slideshow that goes over all the
> bits and pieces Ubuntu has available will do very good things for the
> user experience. In addition, many of the most unique and powerful
> features we have, such as custom fonts for applications, are hidden away
> in very modest little corners. They have the potential to delight
> people, but may never be noticed.
> To put it simply, I have been browsing Ubuntu's support forums and
> taking mental notes (should have been hard notes, in retrospect) about
> all the great things people miss without being pushed in the right
> direction first. The goal here is to give those people the right
> pointers from the start in a way that does not stink. Obviously, I can't
> do this without help, so contributions of any form are welcome.
> The project itself is still very quiet, however I have set up the
> necessary stuff in Launchpad and I have rearranged how this is done.
> Most importantly, I dropped that horror of an idea that was using Glade
> for slides. Instead, I am using SVGs! This means it's going to be very
> nice for people to contribute to, assuming said people can work their
> heads around Inkscape. (More on that later :o [1])
> So now that I have decided on a decent file format, and said format is
> (-should be-) dead easy, I may as well bring this up as something people
> can contribute to Right Now!
> At the moment, there is no solid plan for the slideshow itself other
> than slide dimensions: 700x420 pixels. In terms of the software for
> displaying the slideshow, it is coming along. (I over-engineered it 5
> times. How many of me does it take to change a light bulb? Believe it or
> not, at least 2; I would probably create a clone of myself for the
> task). Nothing visible on that end at the present time, but since these
> slides are just simple graphics, said program doesn't really have to be
> played with anyway. It should be sufficient to consider that the slides
> will be displayed one by one, without user interaction, switching on a
> timer. A slide should be readable in a very short time. They should also
> all be consistent in general design.
> The project for the slideshow is, as mentioned,
> ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu on Launchpad. Just head over to
> https://launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu for the working files,
> blueprints, etc.
> As a quick example to get thoughts moving, I have some example slides up
> there now. Two versions: One with a bland brownish background, one with
> the Hardy Heron simple wallpaper... which actually does not seem a bad
> effect. Those are in bzr as SVGs, and I have also uploaded an archive of
> raster images
> at http://dylanmccall.googlepages.com/Ubuntu_Slideshow_Example.tar.gz
> The ideal situation is that lots of ideas get invented and one of them
> gets so much love that the slideshow magically builds itself. In other
> words, turn on your brains, start inventing slideshow templates and some
> slides to go with them. and then get posting!
> Sounds like fun!
> If you somehow need an extra push of encouragement, consider that doing
> this is roughly the same task as creating mockups for GTK themes,
> without the work involved in implementing them. (Please don't stop
> making themes, though).
> If you still need more encouragement, take a look at the design I made
> myself. Awful, eh?
> Now, if you want to see that horrific artwork razed from the universe,
> get cracking!
> Bye for now,
> -Dylan
> [1] One issue while I am here: The SVGs I have rolled out work only in
> Inkscape. The thumbnailer, Eye of GNOME, and even Mozilla render them
> completely wrong.
> PS: Be aware that this is not a normal artwork task; I just know all the
> best artists are here! Indeed, there is no telling whether this can
> actually make it into Intrepid... so nobody let your hopes up. I want to
> make that a stronger possibility by having some good artists help out
> here and by having some more hands poking at it so that time is less of
> an issue.

Very nice work Dylan! I think that this way of showcaseing Ubuntu
features is the best way to introduce the user to Linux/Gnu and
optionally to show him what's new (if he's familiar). I am going to take
part though not very active until my exams are over in late July say it
August :). Keep up the good work!


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